Category: Web Exclusives


Folk Fest: Umalali enlightens afterparty crowd

Easily one of the most interesting groups to attend this year’s Calgary Folk Fest, Umalali — with their group of spirited musicians working tirelessly to promote the endangered Garifuna culture — put on quite...


Stampede: 2009 in photos

As the raucous 10 days that were Stampede 2009 come to a close The Reflector concludes its coverage with a final compilation of our top photos. Whether it was the thrill of the rodeo,...


Stampede: That’s a whole lotta shammys!

Videographer/Photographer Duncan Kinney spent an evening at the ever-popular ShamWow booth in the BMO Centre exploring the phenomenom that sees roughly 500 of the “super absorbent” shammy products moved each day during Stampede.


Sled Island: In the middle of Factory Party 6

Photographer Lindsay Stewart immersed herself in all that is Factory Party 6. From the freaky art and attention-grabbing fashion to the performances by Japanther and Andrew WK, The Reflector brings you these photos: To...