Category: Web Exclusives


Scooting around town

  by Claire Miglionico On a cold rainy day, it may seem a little odd to find Vespas out and about. But for members of the Apocalypse Scooter Club of Calgary, riding scooters all-year...


Not for the faint of heart

At the top of the stairs to the second floor of Calgary’s Glenbow Museum, a wet and blinking newborn gazes sleepily at its visitors. The 800-pound, 16-foot-long child, complete with attached umbilicus, shares the...


Council in session

After just two weeks in their new roles, the SAMRU Students’ Council have eagerly put the wheels in motion to shape the future policies, bylaws and direction of the Students’ Association. On Oct. 5,...


Something to write home about

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but isn’t it nicer to have writers create pictures for you? WordFest is back in town for a six-day run Oct. 13-18, and director Anne...


Calgary man whistling a new tune

By Claire Miglionico The Reflector Not everyone can whistle and, surely, not everyone can whistle their way off the streets. For Mike Holloway, whistling helped turn his life around. Two years ago, Holloway was...


Off to Ontario

The Mount Royal men’s golf team took their 19th gold in the teams’ history during the ACAC Championships Sept. 27 and 28 at the Wintergreen Golf and Country Club in Bragg Creek. The team...


Prerequisite Puzzler

MRU students registered in courses for which they did not have the necessary prerequisites did not learn that they had been deregistered from them until the first day of classes, an issue that the...