The night is alive

Photo courtesy Hot Little Rocket. Calgary indie rockers Hot Little Rocket will play their final show ever Sept. 19 at Marquee Room.
Whether you’re in the mood for indie pop, rock, punk, metal, or dance music, Calgary’s downtown core plays host to a variety of clubs that will appeal to any and all musical tastes. We don’t have room to plug them all, so here’s a sampling of our favourites:
The Indie Crowd
Broken City
If you’re new to Calgary, you should still already know about this live music mainstay. Broken City’s admittedly small stage has played host to every local band worth its salt, as well as tons of talent from across Canada and abroad. With that kind of a resume, you should be reading this on a bus headed to 11th Avenue and Fifth Street right now.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, Sept. 18 – Back to School Party with DJ sets from Degrassi Jr. High’s Amanda “Spike” Stepto and Stacie “Caitlin” Mistysyn
Marquee Room
Located above the Uptown Stage & Screen on Eighth Avenue and Sixth Street, the Marquee Room is one of the most popular live music spots in Calgary. The venue is the perfect destination for an after-party after sitting through a teary art house picture, and the sound alone beats any large concert hall for miles. To top it all off, the stage is super sparkly!
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Sept. 19 – Say goodbye to local scene mainstays Hot Little Rocket at their final show ever! Paper Moon provides support.
A Little Louder
The Underground
Keep your eyes open as you walk down 10th Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets, for you just might miss the small sign and dark door that leads downstairs to the Underground. Don’t let the forbidding atmosphere fool you: this proud hole in the wall is one of the premiere punk and metal clubs in the city, perfect for those who want their eardrums blasted before that boring lecture tomorrow morning.
The Distillery
Headquarters of the Calgary Beer Core — a coalition of local hardcore punk and metal acts — the Distillery has just moved to a larger space on Seventh Avenue and Fifth Street. With shows every night, cheap drinks, and one of the best sound crews in the city, there’s truth to the venue’s own claim that they’re “down with the devil.”
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Sept. 12 – The Third Annual Calgary Beer Core Awards, featuring live support from BDFM
Beats and Rhymes
The HiFi Club
The only nightclub around where the risks of rape and coked-out patrons are severely diminished, the HiFi Club has it all: a spacious room, classy decor, and great music every night. Sometimes there’s electro rave music, sometimes hip-hop, and sometimes even rock, but you’ll never be able to resist the call of the dance floor. Located on 10th Avenue and First Street.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, Sept. 16 – WESC presents Megasold, with Fordinho and Teddy Celebration. Tickets at the door.
The Warehouse
If you’re a light sleeper and you just don’t want the party to end, head down to 10th Avenue and Sixth Street. That’s right, the Warehouse is right above the Underground, and while we can go on endlessly about the poetry involved with trance beats battling distorted guitars through the floorboards, let’s just say that if you’re in a dancing mood, the Warehouse can never disappoint.