Reflectorial: How to handle the holidays

Let me tell you, nothing gets me slightly irritated like stores and houses that set up their Christmas decorations way to early. Like I know it’s winter, but there should be no reason to throw up some Christmas lights at the beginning of November and act like this is a totally normal thing to do. Like c’mon, is it really necessary to be that extra? This is like that one person who turns their birthday into a week long event. Let me tell you, there is nobody in the world that is important enough to have their birthday longer than a week. Do you seriously think you’re better than Passover? More important than NBA All-Star Weekend? Didn’t think so. Nobody should celebrate their birthday for more than a week, let alone celebrate Christmas for a month.
Now that I’m done ranting, let’s talk about Christmas. Now that we’re at a good point to start celebrating Christmas, let’s talk about how to keep a level head during the holiday season. In theory, Christmas isn’t something one should be stressing over. In most cases, spending time with family and having no school is pretty cool, right? If only it were that easy. If you’re anything like me, giving gifts is one of the most stressful things ever. I’m more of a gift card person myself when it comes to giving because making that big of a decision for someone is stressful. Regardless of what you buy, the best place to buy it is online. Seriously, malls are not worth the effort this time of year. Long lines, crowded parking lots and crying children make malls unbearable. Amazon exists for a reason, so you better use it. Nothing like finishing your Christmas shopping in 30 minutes from the comfort of your own bed.