The Reflector


“Ye-ikes”: What’s the music industry coming to?

Emme Larkins, Staff Writer  The world’s most famous music festival returns this summer after two years of pandemic-related cancellations. Flower crowns, macrame and high-out-of-their-mind influencers will once again flood our feeds. That’s right, Coachella...


Getting a summer job: dos & don’ts

Abbie Riglin – Staff Writer  The end of the school year is fast approaching, which means it’s that time of the year again where us students get to turn in our titles as ‘students’...


Justin Trudeau called out by European politicians

Alex Luong, Staff Writer  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has come under fire for enacting the Emergencies Act against the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa. Several European politicians called out the Canadian Prime Minister after...