Author: Web Editor


Sodexo responds to gift card concerns

It’s far from a full-fledged food fight, but the first banana may have been flung across the proverbial food court. MRU has been buzzing over a CBC story on Sodexo-affiliated Tim Hortons’ refusal to...


Competition in question

by Bryan Weismiller News Editor Finding sustenance on campus isn’t tough, however, questions have been raised over whether there’s healthy competition between food vendors at Mount Royal University. As it currently stands, Sodexo ––...


Another reason to vote in campus elections

By Jeff Agnew Running a campaign for student government is one of the hardest things any student can do. While running as a candidate, I experienced my fair share of heartbreak and exultation in...


Futsal may close gap for Canadian soccer

by Jesse Hove The Reflector The fast and furious sport of futsal is becoming a popular training tool for post-secondary soccer players looking to hone their skills in a sport where the season lasts...


Student by day, sidekick by night

By Aaron Chatha Features Editor I’m Batman’s best friend. No, we don’t go on picnics and have sleepovers, and he doesn’t really call unless he needs something. But when a crisis occurs, I’m his...