A quick recipe for even the most rushed student: Overnight Oats

By Cassie Weiss, Features Editor
We’ve all been there — pressing snooze over and over until there are only 15 minutes left on the clock before your boss is calling you late to work. Sadly, in the rushed morning routine, breakfast is the easiest thing to leave out; it’s also the worst thing to leave out.
Honestly, I don’t blame you. I get up before my alarm and I sometimes still don’t have time to make breakfast — especially not a lavish meal like bacon and eggs. But breakfast doesn’t have to take time to prepare and eat. Breakfast can be made fast, and in some cases, even prepared the night before.
That’s why I started swearing by overnight oats. It only takes a few minutes to prepare, right before I go to bed, and requires literally none of my time in the morning — minus taking a second to grab it from the fridge. I eat it once I get to work, and bam, I don’t get hungry later on, and I’ve also made sure I’ve eaten the most important meal of the day.
Here is my go-to overnight oats recipe — for days when I just really don’t have the time. And for those of you who can’t stand oatmeal, replace the oats with chia seeds, and you’ve got almost the same thing.
What You Need:
¼ cup rolled oats
¼ cup milk of choice
¼ blueberries
1 TBSP almond or peanut butter
2 TSP maple syrup
Find your best mason jar or some other type of sealable container. Combine both the oats and milk and stir until mixed. Add the remaining ingredients. Put the container into the fridge and leave it until the morning.
In the morning, you can either eat cold, or heat in the microwave for about a minute.
And if you find blueberries just aren’t your thing, add bananas, strawberries, chocolate chips or any other topping that suits your fancy. It’s your breakfast — you may as well love what you eat.