Art at MRU
- A Legacy of Ideas is a collaborative work by past students Pat Lozo, David Brunning and Cey Adams hangs over the main building entrance, reminding students that their time at MRU can result in work this good.
- 3. Phoenix by Errol Lee Fullen is a favourite amongst the janitorial staff, frequently used as a backdrop in EA to place their cleaning supplies, making them more keen to return to home base.
- The laughing baby, part of The Downtown Adventure by Glen Sample, silently mocks students passing through Main Street as it laughs about being a baby and having no student debt.
- If Patch of Grass, Patch of Sky by Maureen Enns reminds you of an old Windows desktop background, you are not alone. This artistic piece at West Gate reminds you of a simpler time, before Windows 8.
- Grey Green Crowd by Chris Cran kind of looks like a Beatles album cover, if you squint hard enough. This piece of art can be found in the T Wing, giving COMM students inspiration “Eight Days a Week”.
Photos: James Wilt