Category: Editorial


On adaptability

“How can you do ‘new math’ with a ‘old math mind’?” said Linus.   Maybe you’re taking five courses, or more, you work part-time, volunteer on the weekends, you’re in a club, you’re taking...


Reflectorial: On perfection

Freshmen, Fourth-years and those in the middle of their degrees, we want to talk to you about the insidious notion of perfection.   You’re starting school and you’re looking to do a good job...


Reflectorial: A presidential pardon

On March 22, John Carpay wrote an opinion column for the Calgary Herald condemning Mount Royal University’s administration for not supporting free speech and encouraged President David Docherty to “simply apologize to Nicholas for...


Editorial: Hallway Disorder

Over the past year as Publishing Editor for The Reflector, I have promoted student causes within this editorial.   The students of Mount Royal University have been excellent examples of empathy, advocacy and human...


Our vote matters

Not enough that only 23% of students vote   So the Oscars are over and the Wolf of Wall Street did not win Best Picture, regardless of the ongoing dreaminess of Leonardo DiCaprio.  ...


Reflectorial: #sochiproblems

The hashtag sweeping the Olympics Games   #Sochiproblems seems to be trending topic getting all the laughs since the Olympics started on Feb. 7.   It seems the publicity of the event has been...


Editorial: Fall Fallback

Nothing wrong with a little extra R&R   Finally, we’ll get a week off.   Just when you thought you would never fulfill that hallucinogenic mid-fall alcoholic Mexican vacation you’ve been craving for —...


Editorial: Being Genuine

Welcome back, ye brave students of Mount Royal University, willing to face the destitute of winter semester and all the cold mornings that come with it.   It’s also the beginning of resolution season...


Editorial: Reflector Confessors

We believe in what MRU Confessions ideally stands for.   I know that’s not what you expected out of this editorial, but there you have it.   We believe in MRU Confessions because of...