Category: Arts


Breaking through the club doors

  by Sheena Jardine-Olade   The female DJ was at one time something as weird and mysterious as a unicorn, or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It warranted a...


The Ice(land) man cometh

Did you know there was more to Iceland’s music scene than Björk? If you answered no to that question, Sindri Mar Sigfusson forgives you. “I sort of understand that no one really thinks about...


Noise 101: CD Reviews for Oct 22 Reflector

Choice Cut: The Flaming Lips      Embryonic       Warner Bros. Back in the days of vinyl, when rock bands were becoming more and more ambitious, the idea of a double album was exciting and intrigu­ing. With...


Halloween club show picks

by Sheena Jardine-Olade The Reflector Halloween isn’t just for kids anymore. It has far transcended the tricks and treats and has turned into a time when every single one of us, from conception to...


Not for the faint of heart

At the top of the stairs to the second floor of Calgary’s Glenbow Museum, a wet and blinking newborn gazes sleepily at its visitors. The 800-pound, 16-foot-long child, complete with attached umbilicus, shares the...