Nothing to be Overwatched
Is one of the world’s most popular games worth the hype?
By Bigoa Machar
Since it’s release just over a month ago, more than 7 million players have ran, jumped and shot through the maps of Overwatch, the latest first person shooter put out by Blizzard Entertainment. One of the biggest things to hit the gaming community in a while, the company says the game has received a ton of positive feedback in it’s initial stages.
“Over the months and weeks leading up to release we saw a lot of love and support for Overwatch—from Blizzard gamers, FPS fans, and people who’d never picked up a game like this before—and we’re very grateful for everyone’s incredible passion and enthusiasm,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We poured a lot of effort into creating a game—and a new universe—that anyone could enjoy. We’re ecstatic to have had such a successful launch, and we’re looking forward to all of the fun, competition, and new content still to come.”
The creativity and attention to detail has turned into a lot of money for Blizzard. $269 million and counting in fact. Think about that. $269 million in a month is an impressive feat, even for Jordan Belfort in Wolf of Wall Street. While

Overwatch’s stunning art and character design is the best that I’ve seen in any first-person shooters in years.
everything is coming up roses for the Overwatch community right now, those who are familiar with the video game industry know that things naturally come and go. While Overwatch has the ingredients to stand the test of time, it’s impossible to tell if it will be successful down the road. That’s why I took the liberty to play nothing but Overwatch for a month to see what all the hype is about.
The Game
The main basis of Overwatch involves two teams of six completing four different objectives: Escort, Assault, Control and Hybrid. To make up these teams, the game has a roster of 21 unique characters within four categories: Attack, Defense, Tank and Support. Players on the attacking team work together to form the best team composition possible and complete the variety of objectives, while players on the defensive team aim to prevent this from happening. Games can last anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes, with each second being exciting and full of action. I’ve played hundreds of games and each one is a unique and different experience from the last.
What makes it special
Everything about Overwatch is loveable. From the excellent map design to each character’s loveable dialogue and one-liners, I found myself smiling throughout each game. Overwatch is a unique gaming experience that is definitely worth your time and money. With ranked competitive play coming in the near future, Overwatch is the perfect game to get lost and invested in if you’re looking for something to play by yourself or with a group of friends. It’s a joy to play and I recommend it to any and all gamers looking for something new to play.
Overwatch is available on all platforms.