Copywrite, out of sight
Longstanding Wyckham House service to close
Omar Omar
Staff Writer
The signs are there, and they’re certain. The Copywrite, a used textbook consignment store and printer and copier service in the basement of Wyckham house, is shutting down on April 30, 2015.
With reduced store hours, and little to no store traffic, the motion to shut it down and repurpose it was due to the results of a recent SAMRU Facebook survey.
Shereen Samuels, Student Life Director at the SAMRU, detailed the upcoming changes to be implemented throughout the spring and summer seasons that will be more noticeable in the upcoming fall semester.
When asked about what would happen to the used book sale service, Samuels stated that, “Enough students (in the survey) said that the used book consignment was valuable to them, so we’re going to be retain it in a slightly different format.”
Used book consignment, according to Samuels, will officially be held as a temporary service for the beginning of each semester (fall and winter), instead of being available year-round.
“Another thing that we heard loud and clear from the survey was that [students] valued open study space,” said Samuels.
As for the Ticketmaster, Eco Store and Printing/Copying services in the Copywrite, they will be formally discontinued due to a lack of demand.
In the case of the print and copy service, Samuels said that the SAMRU anticipates providing one or more student centers with five cent copy machines.