Jennifer Lawrence isn’t Wonder Woman

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7 Responses

  1. Leave Jennifer Alone! says:

    Ehhh some good points that are made, Jennifer Lawrence has said some pretty dumb stuff, but you’re right: she isn’t the devil. She basically comes off as sheltered and ignorant. I do however, find it a little strange that a MALE feels the need to police a woman’s personality, even going so far as to write an entire article about the parts of her personality he doesn’t like. No offense. We get it, you aren’t a fan, but Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t owe you anything. How about we let the women (INCLUDING celebrities) live and stop telling them who they’re supposed to be. Would Jennifer Lawrence’s offensive comments about ‘a male hero with a vagina’ or ‘being dykey’ happen in a culture that didn’t have a problem with both femininity (devalued and perceived as weakness) AND strong women? doubt it. People need to be responsible for their words but we have to acknowledge how difficult it is to be a women, especially in hollywood, in the first place.

  2. RB says:

    Oh boo hoo. Let’s pick apart a really genuine celebrity and make sure she doesn’t get away with making a few uncensored comments. Because how dare she continue being well-liked and a role model when we have people like Bruno Mars who was arrested for coke, and CHRIS BROWN (enough said) who have been taken completely out of the spotlight…… oh wait.

  3. Arts Editor says:

    @Leave Jennifer Alone!

    Just because I am a male, doesn’t mean that I am anti-woman. I was simply offering my opinion, in that Lawrence’s comments are sexist and a little ignorant. The irony for being called out as sexist for calling out a woman as sexist is rich, I hope you see that. This isn’t a Jennifer Lawrence bashing piece, this is a critical look at the celebrity who was been storming up the popularity charts and has been given more slack than others because of her blunt personality which, while refreshing, should not be regarded as perfect or inspirational in all situations. My main hope would be that we lessen our love of celebrity culture as a whole, but that’s not going to happen. Hopefully, I can show that even the ‘perfect’ ones in that lifestyle aren’t. That’s all.

    @RB Please refer to one of my previously columns, which is all about Chris Brown.

  4. straggler says:

    This article is what is offensive. The whole premise is ridiculous. It all amounts to taking cherry-picked, offhand comments and then using them to create a distorted portrait of a person. I would pay to have the author give hundreds of interviews and see what I could do with it. The hypocrisy literally reeks from the page.
    Let’s take one example. She has made dozens of comments about Katniss and heroism she displays, and many others about typical female film roles. Both in word and deed (she plays one strong character after another) she has a very strong conception of women. Yet this writer laughably tries to define her alleged view of women based on one isolated comment while ignoring a mountain of others. Better still, the whole point about Katniss is that she is written like a traditional male hero, strong, self-reliant and most importantly not sexualized. It is the type of character that hasn’t always been available for actresses to play. (Contrast her with highly sexualized Lara Kroft). Jennifer’s description is really spot on. The author on the other hand is poorly informed in addition to being grossly unfair.
    Oh, and once she she was 20 she once described herself as dykey, a term that is used by gay groups. Wow. Call out the PC police stat. The running joke with pcism is that those who fixate on it tend privately to be the most vile people of all. Maybe the author should record himself one night when he is hanging out with friends. Actually it’s not even a matter of speculation. The laughable effort to make a mountain out if a molehill (replete with pseudo-intellectual terms like “heteronormative”) suggest a sad individual. Take the massive two by four out of your ass. This type of hypersensitivity isn’t healthy. So now Jen is supposedly reinforcing stereotypes in sports by merely uttering one word? LOL!!!!
    Incidentally, if Eisenberg was so sensitive about his OCD (I had it a lot worse than him) he should have thought about that before gratuitously bringing it up on national TV. Jen was nervous (still 20 and her very first major late night appearance) and was just trying to interact with him and was not being mean at all. But if you are still worried about Eisenberg’s tender feelings, Jen expressed regret for making him uncomfortable on her next Leno appearance.
    Anyway, the fact that Jen isn’t so polished, still gets nervous and blurts things out, isn’t a fake blowhard, and is a real person is why she is so beloved. Because we see a normal, still vulnerable and sometimes awkward person dealing with the absurd demands of fame. It’s very refreshing.

  5. yoyo says:

    this must be the dumbest thing i`ve read today… how about freedom of speech?

  6. Abby says:

    Alright, calm down! This is not offensive to Jennifer Lawrence, it is pointing out some less than great things she has said. No one gets away with saying things in publicity so neither should she. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

  7. Everyone Shut Up says:

    Yeah she’s a little ignorant. Isn’t everyone? I’m a fan of her and I find this article interesting. She’s still cool but… talking about OCD like that? Pfft what the heck, “J-law” lmao do people actually call her that?

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