Tagged: life


Not for the faint of heart

At the top of the stairs to the second floor of Calgary’s Glenbow Museum, a wet and blinking newborn gazes sleepily at its visitors. The 800-pound, 16-foot-long child, complete with attached umbilicus, shares the...


Worth a thousand words: James Nachtwey

Have you ever seen or heard something that changed your life? Maybe it was photograph, song or even a documentary. This epiphany happened when I stumbled onto a TED award about a photographer called...


Love of the game

Sneakers squeak, you hear the sound of feet pounding on plywood, deep voices shouting for the ball and then the sweet sound of a swish — the basketball falling right through the net making...


Calgary man whistling a new tune

By Claire Miglionico The Reflector Not everyone can whistle and, surely, not everyone can whistle their way off the streets. For Mike Holloway, whistling helped turn his life around. Two years ago, Holloway was...


Folk Fest: Kid Koala keeps his paws busy

Building a robot, writing a graphic novel, manning the turntables and pushing a baby in a stroller. It may not be the life that most DJs lead, but it’s the one that the DJ...


No teeny job for Sweeney

This concludes The Reflector’s profiles of incoming SA executives. To say the VP student life position at the Students’ Association of Mount Royal College fits Eily Sweeney’s personality might be an understatement. Sweeney, who...