Tagged: English


Brothers in arms

by Devin Ayotte The Reflector Though it has yet to grace the pages of the hallowed Oxford English Dictionary, the term bromance is gaining ground in gender studies discourse and fraternity house basement discourse...


Beyond the elitist discourse

by Jesse Hove Faith Columnist It doesn’t matter if you have specialized in the finer points of philosophy, a holy text or are a resident expert in everything Star Wars. Those who have studied...


Eco conference is step toward ‘tipping point

by Catherine Szabo An indication of how hyperaware we are about the environment is evident with words like “green-washing” creeping into our language. But Mario Trono, an English professor at Mount Royal University, still doesn’t think we’re at the tipping point yet. Trono...


Working on the written word

By Zoey Duncan It’s not unusual for students to enter university with only a cursory knowledge of how to properly craft a sentence. That means when they’re faced with writing a well-researched essay, they’re...


Accio bestseller!

While the original target audience for the wildly popular Harry Potter series may have been children, it’s clear that it has transcend­ed the adolescent world and even made its way onto the Mount Royal...


Filling Klein’s chair

On Oct. 19, it was formally announced that Gilbert VanBuren Wilkes will be the new occupant of the Ralph Klein Chair in Media Studies for Mount Royal University’s faculty of communication studies. Former premier...