Tagged: Duncan


Rolling to campus

by Zoey Duncan Campus sustainability proj-ects are visible throughout the school: the award-winning, environmentally friendly Roderick Mah Centre for Continuous Learning and the recent expulsion of Styrofoam from Wyckham House to name a few....


No surprises in SA election

By Zoey Duncan After four-and-a-half hours of waiting for the ballots to be counted, an excited and slightly nervous group of Students’ Association hopefuls finally got their answer. “We had a lot of ballots,...


Working on the written word

By Zoey Duncan It’s not unusual for students to enter university with only a cursory knowledge of how to properly craft a sentence. That means when they’re faced with writing a well-researched essay, they’re...


Students hard up for jobs

By Devin Ayotte With student unemployment rates finally coming down from their highest levels in decades, the search for both part-time and summer employment has been frustrating for many. “It’s become highly specialized,” said...


What the #%$& does the SA do?

by Zoey Duncan & Claire Miglionico  In mid-January, The Reflector performed an informal survey of students to gauge what the biggest issues on campus are. We also asked students their opinion of the SAMRU....


Accio bestseller!

While the original target audience for the wildly popular Harry Potter series may have been children, it’s clear that it has transcend­ed the adolescent world and even made its way onto the Mount Royal...


Weather got you down?

by Zoey Duncan As if you didn’t have enough to worry about with exams, tuition payment, and holiday shopping, the weather may also be play­ing a role in your trip to the dol­drums. Seasonal...


No fee increase planned for MRU students next fall

by Zoey Duncan While other post-secondary institutions in the province are gearing up to request tuition cap increases from the govern­ment, Mount Royal University is quietly sitting at the cap lev­el that was supposed...