Tagged: Claire Miglionico



by Claire Miglionico As childish as it may sound, back-to-school shopping is the buzz I look forward to every fall. This year, however, I barely shopped. Instead, I decided on putting up old clothes...


Fall arts picks

by Claire Miglionico & Zoey Duncan Haultain and First Street Festival www.victoriapark.org    September 12, 2010 Victoria Park is bucking the crummy rep it has been saddled with and as one of the last...


Thriving or not in Wyckham

by Claire Miglionico In early March, the SAMMIES – a video contest focused on capturing a favourite SAMRU service in a creative manner – were cancelled due to a lack of applicants. With this...


What the #%$& does the SA do?

by Zoey Duncan & Claire Miglionico  In mid-January, The Reflector performed an informal survey of students to gauge what the biggest issues on campus are. We also asked students their opinion of the SAMRU....


Scooting around town

  by Claire Miglionico On a cold rainy day, it may seem a little odd to find Vespas out and about. But for members of the Apocalypse Scooter Club of Calgary, riding scooters all-year...


Calgary man whistling a new tune

By Claire Miglionico The Reflector Not everyone can whistle and, surely, not everyone can whistle their way off the streets. For Mike Holloway, whistling helped turn his life around. Two years ago, Holloway was...