The Reflector


Weather got you down?

by Zoey Duncan As if you didn’t have enough to worry about with exams, tuition payment, and holiday shopping, the weather may also be play­ing a role in your trip to the dol­drums. Seasonal...


No fee increase planned for MRU students next fall

by Zoey Duncan While other post-secondary institutions in the province are gearing up to request tuition cap increases from the govern­ment, Mount Royal University is quietly sitting at the cap lev­el that was supposed...


New film studio means more jobs

by Kaila Sept A new opportunity for Alberta’s film industry has been announced by Alberta’s Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, Lindsay Blackett: Calgary will be getting its own permanent film studio. This is...


Gift giving for dummies

Trying to find the perfect gift for someone you love is never an easy task, but what may be even more difficult is shop­ping for your other half in a newly formed relationship. No...


The Reflector keeps going and going

by Reflector Staff As students attempt to dig themselves out from under the mountain of end of term assignments, the amount of all-nighters and cram sessions are increasing. It is no wonder then, that...


I’m not superstitious, but I’m a little-stitious

Michael Jordan’s blue North Carolina shorts underneath his Bulls uniform, Tiger Wood’s red shirts, and Patrick Roy’s mental mind games with his net. These three rituals, while simple in description have a major impact...


Big cats on top

The Cougars men’s hockey team is off to a roaring start this season with a 13-1-0-1 record so far. After facing SAIT on Dec. 4, the big cats don’t play again until Jan. 8....