Tagged: Kelsey Hipkin


The Reflector keeps going and going

by Reflector Staff As students attempt to dig themselves out from under the mountain of end of term assignments, the amount of all-nighters and cram sessions are increasing. It is no wonder then, that...


Reflecting on time well spent

I don’t really do the whole crying thing. In fact, ask those who know best and few will tell you they have ever seen me shed tear; so you can imagine my surprise as...


Stampede: One hour, 1800+ calories

Disclaimer — Before reading the following, it is not recommended you try this experiment unless you are wise and knowledgable of the ways of junk food. I have been practicing the art of junk food consumption...

Eminem’s Relapse feels redundant

Eminem Relapse Aftermath, Interscope, Shady, Web 2.5/5 stars Alright we get it, rehab is a joke. That’s the message pounded into your head over and over again during Relapse, the first album from controversial...