Category: Features


Back to the drawing board

Marina Giannitsos Features Editor There’s a reason characters like Superman and Batman are considered legendary. When you look at their dates of origin in 1937 and 1939 respectively, both characters are slightly older than...


Party like a responsible rock star

Steve Waldner The Reflector The fall semester of school has arrived and with it comes one thing some students look forward to over the summer — the first wave of residence parties. Some students...


Brothers in arms

by Devin Ayotte The Reflector Though it has yet to grace the pages of the hallowed Oxford English Dictionary, the term bromance is gaining ground in gender studies discourse and fraternity house basement discourse...


Get online and plug into your relationships

by Zoey Duncan Publishing Editor With a reliable Internet connection, a webcam and dedication to your relationship, these tips will help you keep in touch whenever you’re apart. • Spice up your Facebook time...


Staying connected over the summer

by Marina Giannitsos The Reflector It’s hard to believe that another school year is coming to an end. For me, it’s even harder to believe that I will be leaving Calgary this summer for...


Getting the most out of your computer

by Aaron Chatha Features Editor So, after months of saving, you finally bought that expensive desktop computer or laptop. It has oodles of power and programs up the wazoo — you know you’re only...


Changing lives through love

by Jesse Hove Faith Columnist The policies of the Stephen Harper-led government do not fit the code of following Jesus. Harper wants to increase the amount of money spent on jails and increase jail...


Famous bromances in entertainment

J.D. & Turk from Scrubs They’ve shared everything from clothes to secrets to beds. They even sung a song together called “Guy Love.” They put the needs of a bro before anything else –...


Reducing your computer costs

by Laura Lushington The Reflector Being in post-secondary is not a cheap endeavour. Tuition, books and living expenses can leave your bank account dry. Add to that a laptop or a desktop computer and...