Tagged: Herb


A good meal for $15 or less

by Rachel Frey Have you sampled all that Wyckham House has to offer? Exhausted the options in the Herb ‘n’ Market? Eaten so many of those pre-packaged Sodexo sandwiches that they’ve been informally named...


Bathroom guide: Flush with pride

by Aaron Chatha & Mayan Freeborn As students, we’re always asking ourselves the big questions: What classes should I take? What will I do once I graduate? What’s really in that donair meat? Yuck,...


Best bites on campus

When you’re on a budget You’ve probably heard from every money expert who’s ever had five minutes on television that bringing food and coffee from home will save you a bundle in the long...


Vegetarian options at MRU

by Zoey Duncan When people are hungry, they eat. For vegetarians, solving that recurring hunger problem on campus can seem tougher than biting into a broiled slab of tofu. While diets vary, some people...


The case for space at MRU

With a new semester full of reading, quizzes and exams, students will likely be looking for out of the way places for a little peace and quiet to do some studying. One problem is...