Tagged: Edmonton


Weather got you down?

by Zoey Duncan As if you didn’t have enough to worry about with exams, tuition payment, and holiday shopping, the weather may also be play­ing a role in your trip to the dol­drums. Seasonal...


Bill 44 continues to cause controversy

by Devin Ayotte Though nearly six months have gone by since the Alberta government passed the controversial Bill 44 in June, debate within legal and educational communities continued at a panel discussion held at...


Halloween club show picks

by Sheena Jardine-Olade The Reflector Halloween isn’t just for kids anymore. It has far transcended the tricks and treats and has turned into a time when every single one of us, from conception to...


No more Styrofoam

With thousands of people visiting Wyckham House each week it was clear to the SAMRU that they needed to start ad­dressing some environmental issues to limit waste. First item on the agenda: Styrofoam. On...


Folk Fest: Queen of the swamp

For the better part of 20 years, Kat Danser worked with people who were dying. Not exactly a cheery profession. Now, much of the heartfelt emotion poured into the 41-year-old’s  performances comes directly from...


Sled Island: Alberta’s beauty on display

The melodic, folksy harmonies of the Rural Alberta Advantage are born from a simple, basic idea: embracing the beauty of Alberta. According to Nils Edenloff, the band’s guitarist, keyboardist and singer, the concept for...